April 4, 2023

Discover Your Personality Type with The Body of 9 with Susan and Martin Fisher

Discover Your Personality Type with The Body of 9 with Susan and Martin Fisher
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The Human Beauty Movement Podcast

Meet Susan Bennett Fisher and Martin Fisher! Susan and Martin are the co-founders of Body of 9, an innovative, body-based personality assessment different from enneagram, Myers Briggs, and Jungian personality tests. According to Susan and Martin, each of us has our own Natural Number, from 1 to 9, which is the key to who we are, and how we think, react, act, and interact. In this episode, they reveal the origins of the Body of 9 system, share how the Body of 9 method works, provide a summary of the 9 Natural Numbers, and describe how by knowing your Natural Number (and those of the people around you), you can have more awareness of yourself, your relationships, your life, and how you communicate to bridge deeper and more meaningful connections. Enjoy the listen!


Body of 9 Links:

The Human Beauty Movement's Links:


Jennifer Norman's Links:

Thank you for being a Beautiful Human.