Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality with Kris Ashley
Host Jennifer Norman welcomes guest Kris Ashley for a riveting conversation on how changing one's mindset can radically alter reality. This episode explores the fusion of quantum physics and spirituality, illustrating how inner work and focusing on positive energy can manifest profound changes in one's life.
Kris Ashley is a coach, speaker, yoga teacher, and author of the book Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality: How Shifting Your Thinking Can Unlock Your Health, Your Relationships, and Your Peace of Mind.
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Thank you for being a Beautiful Human.
Jennifer Norman:
Hello, beautiful humans. Welcome to The Human Beauty Movement Podcast. My name is Jennifer Norman, founder of The Human Beauty Movement and your host. The Human Beauty movement is an initiative dedicated to inspiring radical inclusion, true holistic wellness, and environmental responsibility in our world. We are a global human collective that connects to inspire diverse modalities of self-expression, personal growth, and individual journeys of self-love. I created this podcast to have open conversations about all aspects of the human experience. When we're curious, kind, and courageous, we evolve powerfully as individuals and thrive as a human race. So take a moment now to subscribe to our show so you don't miss an episode, and do share this episode with one new person today.
Jennifer Norman:
Let them know that you're thinking about them and spread the love. I'm so glad that you're here, joining me for this show. Now, I believe that real change out in the world actually starts within. That's why I am so passionate about the work that we can all do to shift our perspective, make that change, to uncover our true inner power. It all starts with taking the time to peel back those layers of our beliefs and what we know for sure. In many cases, it starts with changing your mind. My guest today is a wonder bundle of manifested energy named Kris Ashley. Kris is a coach, author and speaker who has spent the past two decades immersed in the research, spiritual teachings and practices of up leveling lives to true fulfillment.
Jennifer Norman:
Her book, Change Your Mind to Change Your Reality, is available now. Welcome, Kris to The Human Beauty Movement Podcast.
Kris Ashley:
Jennifer, thank you so much for having me, and thank you so much for that lovely introduction. I am really excited to be here with you today.
Jennifer Norman:
This is going to be such an amazing and powerful conversation and so I would love to dive into it because I know that you have a very heartfelt story when it comes to how you became spiritually awakened. Please share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, absolutely. I think my story is probably really similar to a lot of people who have had spiritual awakenings or reinvented themselves or just gotten to a point where they're like, wow, something needs to change here. And that's that. It started with my own trauma. So my story is, when I was twelve years old, I went through sexual abuse for four years at the hands of a family member. And I had this really big, tight knit, extended italian family. And when they found out what happened, many of them actually disowned me. And as you can imagine, it left me with all of these, what I call low vibration emotions like anger and guilt, that as a young adolescent, I didn't know how to cope with.
Kris Ashley:
A lot of adults don't know how to cope with those types of emotions. And so it put me down this downward spiral. I had PTSD, I was self harming, I was doing drugs, I was getting in trouble in school, and I was just in this really dark place. And then my world completely changed when someone handed me a book. And this book, it opened my mind to the idea that there is more to life, more to the human experience, more to reality than we are conscious of, than we know. And it just set in motion this chain of events. I like to say I was like a sleeper agent, right? Like something inside of me just woke up. And when I finished that book, I started reaching for more, and I just became insatiable.
Kris Ashley:
I was devouring every metaphysical, spiritual, new age book that I could get my hands on. And I started going on all these retreats and workshops, and I found all of these teachers to study under. I was doing all these healing modalities, and I didn't know it at the time, but I was doing that hard inner work to me. I was just like, oh, I'm on this amazing adventure, unlocking hidden, sacred knowledge that no one else knows about. I was just on this journey, and my life began to change, and I started to craft the life of my dreams. And then at the same time that I was changing my mind and getting better, my mother was starting to get worse because her family had been ripped down the seams, and she didn't have these healing modalities and teachers and books that I did. And so it started to manifest as physical illness for her, and she developed cancer. She developed a lot of really serious illnesses, but also very strange afflictions that her doctors couldn't even explain.
Kris Ashley:
And so they did what they do. They gave her pills, and then they gave her pills for the side effects of those pills, and they gave her a fentanyl patch. And pretty soon, she was sleeping for all but a few hours of daylight. She was falling down all the time. She was nodding off at the dinner table. She was forgetting conversations we had just hours earlier. And that lasted almost 15 years.
Jennifer Norman:
Oh, wow.
Kris Ashley:
And I had this compounded guilt that I had destroyed my family and broken my mother, until I realized that my mother was my biggest teacher, because for every step that I watched her take deeper into depression and illness and victimhood, I climbed hand over hand in the other direction out of that tunnel, because I was seeing what happens to a human body and spirit when they choose that path. And then I was seeing what happened to my own body and spirit when I took a different path, when I changed my mind about life and the nature of reality in the universe. And I made a promise to myself that I would do everything I could to heal physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. And I would always prioritize my health. And it is a promise I've kept to this day. That was in 2002. And ever since the. I've been on this journey.
Kris Ashley:
And I've created the life of my dreams. And now I help other people do it as well. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to share that story.
Jennifer Norman:
Thank you so much for being so forthcoming with your story. A lot of people who are listening have been through a trauma, some as profound as yours. There is no comparison. Everybody's trauma is their own. Everybody's pain is their own. And the way that you are able to respond to it is very much like the parable that I have heard of the two twin brothers who had an alcoholic father. One of the brothers said, I'm an alcoholic because my father's an alcoholic.
Jennifer Norman:
And the other person says, I don't drink at all because my father was an alcoholic. So the way that we react to a situation is everything and we can identify, this is how I do not want my life to be. I wish to be better. I wish to take responsibility for myself versus being blame-oriented or just kind of falling into, well, that's just the way that it is because I'm programmed to be this way. So, thank you. And based upon that and all of these learnings that you have accumulated, which is a wealth of mastery.
Jennifer Norman:
I want to start from the place of just...let's blow everybody's minds to begin with. Why not? Let's just go pull off the veil. Let's just do it. Tell us what you know about the quantum field and about quantum physics.
Kris Ashley:
Oh, my gosh. Well, first of all, I just want to acknowledge what you just said because you totally nailed it. We all go through adversities and challenges, and you have a choice. You can go deeper into unconsciousness. You can become bitter. You can fall into victimhood, place blame. Or you can get better and forgive and make the choice to heal. So I just wanted to call that out because it's so important what you said.
Jennifer Norman:
All of my listeners know that my catchphrase is "Be better, not bitter.' And that's really it. It is a conscious choice to be better.
Kris Ashley:
Exactly. Yeah. And quantum physics. So that's a really big topic.
Jennifer Norman:
Kris Ashley:
There's a lot of different facets of quantum physics that I like to talk about. But since we're going to talk a lot about the law of attraction today, I guess I can start with quantum physics by saying quantum field is kind of like this big mirror where we can project out into it and it projects back to us whatever it is we're sending out. So I like to think of it like the law of attraction works on a personal level. And the quantum field kind of works on a collective level. So this is why things like cancel culture are so dangerous, right? When you make another person feel hurt or humiliated or full of anger or shame or sadness or whatever it is, all of that gets reflected into the quantum field. And then the universe sends us more things and people and situations that make people feel that way.
Jennifer Norman:
It's like a divine algorithm.
Kris Ashley:
I love that. Yes. And we're all connected. What one person does on one side of the planet deeply impacts what people do on the other. And that's called entanglement in quantum physics. What I really like to talk about is that quantum physics tells us that every possible future exists out there in a state of rest. Everything you can imagine and everything you can't imagine, it's all out there. It's just waiting for you to choose it so you really can have anything you want.
Kris Ashley:
People have this misunderstanding about the law of attraction, where we're bringing things to us. But really, these timelines, these other parallel realities already exist. It's about tuning your frequency and vibration to align with those other pathways. And then they call it quantum jumping. You get to move on into a future where that already exists. And I love this so much because it's science backing up what mystics and spirituality and these ancient cultures have been saying forever.
Jennifer Norman:
It's similar to the Akash. For those of you who have practiced and studied Akashic records or who are Akashic record readers, where everything that is a possibility truly exists, it's just a matter of moving yourself and redirecting your energy to that place to which you want to be.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, I love that. And you can think about it like, every time you have a choice to make, you go on to live that timeline where you've made the choice that you're living. But there's another version of you that branches off. Your timeline branches off, and another version of you starts to live out that other choice. And then each time those versions of you have to make a choice, your timeline branches off again. And you can see how this just becomes a big tree, right? So there are other timelines happening that are very similar to the one you're consciously living. And then there are ones that are vastly, vastly different. And quantum physics, again, backs this up with the many worlds interpretation.
Kris Ashley:
So I'm sure your listeners are familiar with the famous double split experiment, right? It shows that electrons. Which is matter. Or photons of light. Appear as particles to us. But they're really waves, right? And before they appear as particles. They exist on a wave function. And that's a fancy way of just saying this realm or this cloud of possibilities. For where they could possibly be in time and space.
Kris Ashley:
And then once we observe them, that wave function collapses. And we observe that particle in one time and space only. And the many world's interpretation of quantum physics. Says that every other place in that realm of possibilities. That that electron could be. Exists on a parallel timeline. In another time and dimension that's parallel to ours. You can think of it like transparency is laid on top of each other.
Kris Ashley:
So I don't know. Science. Quantum physics is the new language for spirituality. And it's so fascinating. There's so many more facets than that too.
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah. It's everything everywhere all at once, people.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah. It's amazing. This reality is not as it appears to be. We are living inside of an illusion.
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah. And I think that that is very interesting to note. Because when we start to say, oh, what's the matter? I actually think that that's a very interesting phrase. When we say that, what is the matter? It's like your mind is heavy. And focused myopically on what's in front of your nose. And we become so focused. And we start concentrating our efforts on the physical. In some cases, what we lack or what we wish and we long for.
Jennifer Norman:
And we create dissonance. And this kind of vibratory mess. This cacophony, if you will. Rather than directing ourselves powerfully and resolutely. To that which we want. And so Kris is a wonderful coach. Who is able to help people who are in that place. Who just can't seem to figure out why their lives are just unfolding in the way that they are.
Jennifer Norman:
It's a big mystery. And so sometimes you need a reflector. Sometimes it's very helpful to have somebody else to guide you. To say, you know what? This is what's going on. You may not realize it. And in many cases, we are completely unconscious to what is happening. But if we just create this new open mindset. It helps us to lift out of these.
Jennifer Norman:
What we call realities. And see the possibilities. And that is what's so exciting about this whole idea of quantum and Joe Dispenza. For those of you, I know that a lot of people just absorb Joe. He's just so brilliant in this whole realm, too. And there are so many enlightened individuals who have so much to say about quantum energy and the quantum field. And so I know that Kris and myself, we're both students of a lot of these practices, Bruce Lipton and the like. And of course, with Abraham Hicks, I tell everybody, I've probably listened to thousands of Abraham Hicks talks myself.
Jennifer Norman:
I'm like a sponge when it comes to Abraham, because Abraham is just such a channel of positivity and just flow of energy. And, of course, getting into the law of attraction and talking about how then do we harness this and make the universal work for us? How does this happen, Kris, tell us about the law of attraction and why people still stumble over it.
Kris Ashley:
Absolutely. And again, you and I are so on the same...
Jennifer Norman:
We're on the same wavelength.
Kris Ashley:
Someone I've also been really into lately is Bashar. Have you listened to any of his stuff?
Jennifer Norman:
Yes, I actually talk about Bashar a lot.
Kris Ashley:
Oh, my. Yeah, yeah. He's been popping up on my TikTok a lot.
Jennifer Norman:
I love the humor. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, just brilliant. Brilliant humor.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, totally. So the law of attraction, which I'm sure your listeners are familiar with, but in case you're not, quite simply, it is a universal law that, at its most simple, says that what we focus on, we will attract into our lives. Now, it's a little more complicated than that because so many people teach it, like, oh, yeah, you can just tell the universe what you want and then just like, sit back, kick your feet up, and it just falls into your lap. Right?
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah. And I think that that is the issue. A lot of people are thinking, like, okay, I'm just going to throw it out there and then do nothing.
Kris Ashley:
Right. And think positive. Yeah, think positive.
Jennifer Norman:
And that's not really creating that energy, that magnetism that you're really wanting. Yeah. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. And so there is more to it than just wishful thinking or just like throwing out proclamations into the ether.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, exactly. There's a few different steps you need to take. Right. You need to get really clear on your vision. You need to take steps towards it, because action is how we move the universe. Right. It creates momentum. And that doesn't mean you have to work hard or anything.
Kris Ashley:
Never underestimate the power of a small step. From one small step, people might appear on your path to help you further along right. The right tools will appear, doors that didn't exist will appear and open for you. And then the other parts of it are feeling the emotion of what it would feel like to have that thing already. Right. Joe dispenza teaches a lot about that. That's why people teach gratitude. Because if you could feel gratitude for something that hasn't happened yet, it tricks your mind and the universe into, ok, like, this is already here, I'm going to send them more of that and I'm going to send them more that are already on that frequency.
Kris Ashley:
And then it's also just not worrying about the how. Right. That's the final piece.
Jennifer Norman:
That is so true. I'm much more central brained, but I know that there are a lot of left brain people that are like, no, I need to concentrate on every single step of how it's going to be executed because that's the only way that it'll get done. It's uncomfortable for some people.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, totally. But as humans, we think, like, 'a' needs to happen, then 'b', then 'c'. But the universe has ways to make things happen from a to z, right? In ways that are simple. And again, it'll move mountains, doors will appear that weren't even there. So it'll come to you in a way that completely surprises you, that you couldn't possibly see coming. So it's about trusting at the end now. So that's kind of how we manifest using the law of attraction. And I do teach that, but also what I teach, and I think it's equally as important, is removing the things that block us from being able to manifest.
Jennifer Norman:
Kris Ashley:
And those are things like our unconscious programming, our belief system, repressed emotions, grudges. Right. Not forgiving people, because all of these things can seep into your manifesting. And most people focus on what they don't want instead of what they do. Right. They're focused on their fears, their doubts, their worries, their insecurities. They're placing blame and judgment on other people. And when you have that mindset, when you look out at the world and think the world is a scary place, I need to be on the defense.
Kris Ashley:
I need to be ready to attack so I'm not attacked. You're going to have a very different life than if you have a place of ease and safety and abundance. So all of these things play into it. So there's a lot that goes into it. Yeah.
Jennifer Norman:
And you can almost feel in your body what happens when you are fearful, when you are worried, when you're scared, when you're nervous, all of those things. You constrict. And so pay attention to your feelings. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Pay attention to those emotions and notice them. It's not, don't criticize and judge and, oh, my God, there I go again. I mean, sometimes that awareness is the first step towards kind of going over it and being like, oh, there it happens again. But with a casual sense of humor, you can be like, oh, okay, something's going on here.
Jennifer Norman:
Is this something that I should pay attention to? What's going on? Is there something where I can maybe figure out how to get rid of these repressed emotions, these blockages? And what are those things that I can do in order to lift those off and be much more open, much more inviting, much more able to let good vibrations and good energy and positive abundance come to me? What do you think, Kris? Are some of the things like, maybe give some examples of what might be some blockages that some of your clients might be facing and how they've been like, oh, my gosh, I was able to get over that. What an amazing experience that was.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah. I like to say, to sum up what you just said, notice what you're noticing. That's the first step, right? Becoming aware of it. Because our thoughts are powerful messengers and they'll let you know what's going on. And especially your body, the signs and symptoms from your body, those are messengers as well. So I love what you just said. So as far as things blocking it, things like our unconscious programming, most of which happens before the age of seven, right? So it's cultural conditioning. The opinions of the adults you grew up around, that teacher who says you're not very good at math, you should stick to this other thing.
Kris Ashley:
All these things become our inner voice, our inner lens, the way that we see ourselves in the world and our belief system. It's interesting, if you look up the word belief in the thesaurus, the opposite of it is truth. And that blows a lot of people's minds that the opposite of belief is truth. But if you think about it, most of your beliefs are based on your opinions or the opinions of other people. And opinions aren't founded in truth. So you could even go so far as to say your beliefs are lies that you tell yourself, and you base your life around these lies and oftentimes to your own detriment. So other things, like I said, repressed emotions, and that's like a whole big topic on itself, right? But when we have these low vibration emotions like anger or fear or judgment, or blame. They're going to seep into your manifesting.
Kris Ashley:
Right. You're going to manifest more things that make you feel that way. And they're poison. And holding on to poison only hurts you. The first step is definitely becoming aware to clear these things out. And then there's a lot of unlearning that happens. A lot of undoing of conditioning.
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah. With respect to limiting beliefs, sometimes it's the I'm not good enough. I don't have enough experience. My background limits me because of my race, because of my age, because of the way I sound, because of the way I look, because, et cetera. The list goes on. We tell ourselves these false truths. I've actually heard some other people say, well, tell yourself a different lie. Why not tell yourself a lie that can be helpful? Tell yourself that you're truly...
Jennifer Norman:
What we say with jest is that you're majestic, you're amazing, you're incredible. You have all the answers. And those aren't to me, those aren't lies. Those are actually the truths. But we can condition ourselves and reprogram ourselves to just think more limitlessly. Knowing that world that is matter, that this dense field is really just an optical illusion. Right? Everything that is energy and all of these things in the quantum realm are what is reality. And we can create and harness and grab those.
Jennifer Norman:
If we were to just start from that place of believing, start from that place of knowing, really conditioning ourselves to say anything is possible. And anything that I want to create in my life, I can, as long as I start with the belief that I can. And then take inspired action. Take that creative action and mobilize yourself, motivate yourself in that way in order to get things done, to achieve and conquer and enjoy and do it from a place of love. Doing it from a place where it's like, do no harm. Things that you want to manifest are really. It's kind of like you want always to start from a place of self love and from joy and from fulfillment rather than from detracting from anybody else. Taking this is not about competition.
Jennifer Norman:
The world is plentiful. The world is abundant. And there's no need for you to have to steal from somebody else in order to get what you want and reduce the ability for anybody else. That's not really how we proclaim anything working at all. It's about let's collectively raise the vibration of what we have here on earth so that we can regenerate, move, innovate, create progress, create new opportunities for everyone. But it really starts from within. And so if you within depths of your being know how powerful and masterful you are, just start here. Start from listening to this podcast and how you can start to create real change in your life, even if it's small.
Jennifer Norman:
Sometimes it's best to start small because it's like, oh, yeah, once you get that sense of accomplishment, then move on and build and grow from there. Like Kris said, no step and no goal is too small. Sometimes those are really what get you moving into the right direction in order to kind of snowball into bigger things to come.
Kris Ashley:
Absolutely. And you just said so many things and I'm over here, like jotting down notes I want to say to each thing you said because you touched on so many things that are so important. Starting with, it's easy to be a victim and it's easy to find things to be angry about. It's almost become trendy to be a victim in our society because you get to avoid feeling guilty and stay in your comfort zone of playing small. Right.
Jennifer Norman:
There's trauma bonding. That's energy that collects together as well. People are like, oh, look at that person did. Oh, shame. And then everybody kind of relates to each other based upon the trauma bonding.
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, but it's very selective, if you've noticed. But here's the thing, like thousands, trillions of possible realities exist, so you get to choose the one that you want to call into existence in your life. Right? And two people can live next door to each other and seem to be living in very different realities, and each one is just as true and just as valid as any other reality. It's kind of like alchemy, right? You're transforming darkness into light, sickness into health, judgment into connection. You get to choose. And so a lot of times when people hear about the law of attraction and you create your own reality, there's this knee jerk reaction. To be defensive.
Jennifer Norman:
Kris Ashley:
Because they're like, well, wait, they start thinking about the traumas in their life.
Jennifer Norman:
And start thinking about that car accident or children who've died at birth or famine, plagues and all of these things. And it's like telling me that I created that. Yeah, you're exactly right.
Kris Ashley:
Exactly. But it's like you can feel empowered by it instead. Right. And it's just that shift, it's just that different way of looking at it.
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah. So what do you choose to focus on?
Kris Ashley:
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And it's about taking responsibility too. Right. If you just place blame on outside people and situations and circumstances, you are not going to step into your own power. You're not going to take responsibility for your own healing. You're not going to move forward. And we are here to learn and grow and level up in our consciousness, and you're going to stay stuck, and you're probably going to have to do this human experience again.
Kris Ashley:
Right. Life happens, right? There's always challenges, there's always adversities. But if you can go into it and think, how is this going to help me grow? What am I going to learn from this? And use it as that launch pad for growth, because all of these tragedies, all of these heartbreaks, they have that hidden Easter egg inside of them. And once you find that, that's when that tremendous leveling up takes place. So it's all about shifting your perspective. And that's really what my book is about, too. Like, every situation, from illness to it challenges to everything, there's a different way of looking at it. All you have to do is change your perspective and a whole new world opens up for you.
Kris Ashley:
There are always other ways of looking at it.
Jennifer Norman:
Absolutely. I think that a lot of times it's like, okay, starting with relationships, it's like, how many times do we hear people say, that person just doesn't make me happy anymore. I think it's over. Do you make yourself happy? Are you happy? Are you the person that you love? Are you the person that brings joy into your life? And then is that a person a reflection of your joy, or perhaps of your lack? And so notice what you notice. I love that phrase that Kris just said, notice what's going on in your life and say, oh, that's interesting. I think it's telling me something. What is the message? What is the lesson in what's going on here? Even if you were to hear that something happened to somebody else, it came into your. It's like, hmm, why did that come into my consciousness? What's the reason for it? And what do I do about it? How can I take responsibility? And how can I claim ownership over saying, I'm empowered to go this direction instead, or I'm empowered to jive in and lend a hand? Because I think that this is something where I'm called really noticing where your energy flows, where your attention goes, your energy flows, and making choiceful decisions to move in the direction that you want to.
Jennifer Norman:
Not feeling like you're just kind of like a feather blowing in the breeze at the whim of whatever happens in life. That is not movement. That is what victimhood is. That is you not taking ownership. And so let us take the moment right now to solidify. Yeah. I am in control of my life. I have everything inside me to make a difference in what I do, how I impact other people.
Jennifer Norman:
I have a resounding ripple effect on the world that I live in. To create magic, to create alchemy, to create all of these really good, high vibrational things that can come and, yeah, the more that we can spread and help elevate within each individual a higher elevation of energy, a higher vibration that helps to expand the universe. It helps to create new opportunities, and it helps move us forward. So let us try to, like, the only antidote for darkness is light, but you need the darkness as well as the light. And so the reason why these things happen is to help us. Like, the friction creates the spark to create that energy. You need both. Your life is not going to be a bed of roses from here on out.
Jennifer Norman:
There are going to be challenges. But those challenges, if looked at with a new mindset, can look like, oh, this is an opportunity. This is a challenge that I know that I'm up for.
Kris Ashley:
Exactly. And you almost become excited when challenges come your way, because, you know, on the other side of that massive growth. I just wanted to call out also what you were talking about, that these people that we meet are mirrors. Right? Everyone is a reflection of you. Everyone is a piece of the same. Right. We come from source, we go back to source, and we are creating our reality as we go. So we're bringing all of these people into our world, and they're all just reflections of us.
Kris Ashley:
And the same goes with things that trigger you. Right. Triggers are just unhealed aspects of you. So if you had already healed that particular issue, you wouldn't have such an emotional reaction to it. So, healed people know that things that other people say and do have nothing to do with them. But when you're not healed, you can find insult in anything. You can find offense in anything.
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah, I actually love that you brought that up, because that is one thing that is very easy to notice, is that do you feel triggered or offended often? I think that a lot of people will say, oh, my gosh, that's very triggering. And certainly there are. For example, you've had sexual abuse in your past. It may take a while to not be triggered by certain things. And so there's healing that goes there. If somebody says something like, I know that there's a whole lot that has to do on my show and in my realm, where we discuss racism, we discuss different abilities and such. And if somebody says, oh, you're differently abled and somebody gets offended. Well, I'm not differently abled.
Jennifer Norman:
I'm disabled, and I'm proud of being disabled. Okay. It's interesting to see what does trigger and what makes offense and how you're responding and how the body responds. And can you, or is there an opportunity to get to the place where it's like, oh, that's no big deal. I know what you meant and doesn't bother me. I actually am happy with myself and I live my life. And whether or not you choose the wrong term to use or wrong in air quotes, but if you use a term and it doesn't land the right way, that I know that it's me and not you or you and not me, and it's really just a matter of if you're speaking a different language and you say something offensive to me, I wouldn't know what you're saying. And so it doesn't bother me.
Jennifer Norman:
Think about it that way. It's kind of like, I don't know German and you insult me in German. It's like I don't even interpret it. I don't get it. It doesn't land.
Kris Ashley:
Exactly. And most people are not out there, like, purposely trying to create chaos and havoc in your life. Right. People are, this is moving a little bit away from what you talked about, but I'm just thinking about people getting triggered by things other people say and do. People are generally coming from their own pain and their own fear if they are lashing out, if they're attacking you. But you always have the choice to forgive them. You always have the choice to let things go.
Kris Ashley:
And as you were talking about, I was thinking about this. There is this amazing paradox to forgiveness, that if you choose to not place blame on another person, then there's nothing that even needs to be forgiven in the first place.
Jennifer Norman:
Kris Ashley:
All there is to do is just let it go. And I think that that's what I want to say to all these people who are getting so triggered over all the things you were talking about, the way of phrasing things, which seems to be changing a lot. Right. And it's hard to keep up with sometimes there's so much more going on with our universe and reality, and there's so much more than meets the eye. And it just seems like people get so stuck in these little things, right? In these very earthly topics like race and like gender and like, all these things, when there is just so much more going on. We just should love and respect each other. And it doesn't matter. There's so much more going on when.
Jennifer Norman:
We start to focus on these little nitty gritty things. It does. It takes and consumes our energy and keeps us small and keeps us contracted. Whereas if you're able to kind of understand that there's much bigger fish to fry, there's so much more that you can be focusing on and concentrating your energy on because the world needs you. The world really can benefit from all the goodness that you have. And so perhaps take that moment to say, you know what? Today the buck stops with me. I'm going to just let it go. I'm going to unfollow all these things that trigger me.
Jennifer Norman:
I'm not going to retaliate, I'm not going to get offended. I'm choosing to decide that there really isn't anything to forgive. Because if everything is a reflection of myself and I choose to not do any wrongdoing and I just choose to love and to make all of my actions and all of my energy focused on positivity and doing good in the world, if that gets misunderstood, then that has nothing to do with me and my intentions and what I'm putting out there. And so, yeah, there's nothing to forgive if that person is coming to me from a place of pain or from a place of anguish. There is compassion, there is care, there is love and understanding. But then there is also, let's move on. Let's really all just focus on manifesting awesomeness for ourselves and for the world.
Kris Ashley:
Because I love everything you said. And you should just cut that clip and use it all over your social media because it was just like beautiful and phenomenal. But here's the thing, bringing it back all the way to the beginning of this conversation with the quantum field. Can you imagine what this world could be if we were all consciously creating? If we were creating a world of peace and love and harmony where we made art and we ate fruit and then money didn't exist? There's so much potential for us to work together and create something so beautiful. And we really are all again, connected. We're all parts of each other. And this reality is an illusion. It's like you've been dropped into this video game world before you incarnate.
Kris Ashley:
You get to choose your body, what you're going to look like, who your parents are going to be, where you're going to live, how you're going to be born, how you're going to die and some big life circumstances that give you the opportunity to grow. So it's like a video game. You have your avatar, you get to assemble your optimal health, your dream career, the life that you want, and playing a video game and your avatar gets injured. The real you doesn't feel that pain. And that's how it is too. The real you is on the other side of the veil. You are your higher self. You are so much more than this, right? So there's, oh, I wish I could just.
Jennifer Norman:
Bell that's what we're doing. We're helping to lift that veil. It's so funny because my upcoming book, I actually talk about the Matrix and bodies that we have, our avatars. And I think that a lot of people understand this is a game. It's actually, we are here for fun. This is here for pleasure and enjoyment and if we can take it so. And instead we do get caught up in the pain, we get caught up in the anxiousness and the anxiety. And it's very easy because this feels real.
Jennifer Norman:
It's like what we can see, hear, smell, taste, touch all of these things around us, sidetrack us and we're like, oh my gosh, here we are in this predicament, I've got to do, I've got to make a living, I've got to make ends meet. I've got to worry about making sure everything is okay in my world. And we get trapped. It's almost like a trapping in our own bodies and in this, what we believe is reality. Whereas if we remember that we are consciousness, if we remember that we are awareness and it's like, oh, I see what this body is doing down here. I'm going to direct it in this way. Let's scoot on, little person.
Jennifer Norman:
No need to get stuck over here. I'm going to plop you over there.
Kris Ashley:
Exactly. And like you said, life is fun, it's a game. It's like we're living in a play, right? And all these people who you perceive as your enemies or the villains in this lifetime, they're probably your really good friends on the other side of the veil and they've agreed to play this part in your life so that you have the opportunity to learn and grow from the situations that happen with them. And when you both cross over, the actors take off their costumes and they're probably going to give you a big hug or whatever a hug is if you're a soul and tell you you did a great job, right? But they love you so much that they are willing to play this part in your life just so you have the opportunity to grow, right? We all have soul contracts with each other. Yeah, it's just a play. It's the setting of a stage. It's a game.
Jennifer Norman:
Oh, my gosh, Kris. Well, I can talk to you for probably days, if not months and years, because this is a lot of fun having these conversations. But if everybody is interested in what Kris has to say, please take a look at her website. Take a look at all her fun socials where she really puts a wealth of knowledge and a lot of heart into the messages that she shares. And it's really interesting to dive a little bit further. Think of this as the start of just blowing your mind. Why not let's just blow your mind and let's just change things up. Because what have we got to lose? We've got everything to gain.
Jennifer Norman:
It could be a whole lot of fun manifesting the reality that you want to and recognizing that the pain that you feel here in this realm is really intended to help you grow. It's intended to not keep you down. If you recognize and if you are aware that that's what it is. So let this be the start of a whole new manifestation of reality for you. Let's have some fun. Kris, thank you so much for being on the human beauty movement podcast today. It was such a pleasure to host you.
Kris Ashley:
Thank you so much for having me. I loved our conversation and I hope we can continue at some other time. Absolutely.
Jennifer Norman:
Yeah, let's do it again, for sure. Thank you for listening to The Human Beauty Movement Podcast. Be sure to follow, rate and review us wherever you stream podcasts. The Human Beauty Movement is a community based platform that cultivates the beauty of humankind. Check out our workshops, find us on social media, and share our inspiration with all the beautiful humans in your life. Learn more at Thank you so much for being a beautiful human.