April 2, 2024

Reiki & Energy Healing Works with Jaime & Yonatan Elkayam

In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of Reiki and energy healing with Jaime and Yonatan Elkayam, the dynamic duo behind the Word of Mouth wellness sanctuary. Jaime and Yonatan share their personal journeys of self-discovery and healing, reveal how embracing holistic practices can lead to profound physical and emotional well-being, and offer insights into integrating these practices into everyday life. Get $222 off a coaching package or 15% off a reiki energy healing session! Visit https://www.wordofmouth.love/ or email jaime@wordofmouth.love and mention The Human Beauty Movement to activate this special offer.


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    • Humanist Beauty - Beauty for your skin & soul, Humanist Beauty is clean, conscious, and cruelty-free. Learn more here → ⁠⁠⁠https://humanistbeauty.com/⁠⁠⁠
    • Moon Juice - Moon Juice helps you find your calm by bringing adaptogens, mushrooms, and clinical-level actives into supplements and skin care. Learn more here → ⁠ ⁠⁠⁠https://moon-juice.pxf.io/thehbm
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Thank you for being a Beautiful Human. 


Jennifer Norman:
Hello to all my beautiful humans who are listening and watching today. Thank you for tuning in to The Human Beauty Movement Podcast. My name is Jennifer Norman. I'm the founder of The Human Beauty Movement and your host. I created this podcast to have open conversations about all aspects of the human experience together. Well learn more about ourselves. We'll feel the joy of mind, body, soul, well being, and we'll discover new tools that can help us thrive. So take a moment now to subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode. I'm so glad that you're here, joining me for today's show.

Jennifer Norman:
Now, I love shining a spotlight on beautiful humans I come across who are making it their lives work to help others live in bliss. Jaime and Yonatan Elkayam are the dynamic duo behind Word of Mouth, a holistic wellness sanctuary in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. Jaime is a dancer turned master energy healer and coach. She transformed her life after a back injury, and now she offers a multitude of holistic practices for people to feel in harmony with their bodies. Yonatan is a musician. He discovered healing through classical pilates and reiki, and now he marries his passion for sound with somatic wellness. Together, Jaime and Yonatan are on a mission to create harmonization between the mind, body and spirit. I'm so happy to welcome you to the show, Jaime and Yonatan!

Yonatan Elkayam:
Thank you, Jennifer. Happy to be here.

Jennifer Norman:
Okay, so now it's rare that I get to interview a wife and a husband team. I think I've had one other couple on the show last season, and it is always super fun to me. You guys seem very energetically aligned. You have to tell us how the universe brought you together.

Jaime Elkayam:
Our story is very near and dear to my heart, so thank you for starting there and asking that. So we met in 2018. We met on Hinge, we're a Hinge success story. Funny enough, at the time, we were both looking for something casual. I was very certain that I was going to spend my life being my own partner, and I wasn't looking to get married. And Yonatan was in a very similar boat. And on our first day, we talked about that and talked about the level of freedom that we wanted and needed in any sort of relationship. And we both really aligned in that way.

Jaime Elkayam:
And I share all of that to say that the foundation and root of our relationship and partnership is freedom. We give one another the freedom to be ourselves, to explore, to live our lives. And as we've spent the last five years together, we've really learned that we prefer to be free right beside one another.

Jennifer Norman:
I think that that could be a whole podcast unto itself. Seriously, it's like, you know, energetically aligned relationships and feeling free in a relationship. It's very powerful. And I want to give a shout out to Hinge because I, too, found my partner on Hinge, so, way to go! Thank you, Hinge, for bringing people together. It's very interesting when we talk about holistic wellness, more and more people nowadays are really seeking a greater aspect of wellness. Before it used to be, let's go to the gym, let's just make sure that we're eating right. And now when we talk about holistic wellness, it goes so much deeper. Can you describe to us what your journey was toward holistic wellness? Perhaps. Yonatan, I'll start with you.

Yonatan Elkayam:
Sure. I think that I would credit the pandemic, actually, for a big shift, and I think that that is probably true for most people. There was enough time to sit back and ask questions about what it is that I want to pursue in life, how I want to spend my time, how I want to take good care of myself, and what are the narratives that I've held for this long that need rewriting? And in some ways, the pandemic was this really beautiful period of time for us to slow down and to ask ourselves these questions. And in slowing down, we really teased out that medicine for ourselves, the slowing down, taking care of ourselves, getting sun connection, human connection. I mean, we really. We really saw during the pandemic, taking that human connection away just lit everybody up into realizing that we need to be together, we need to spend time together, that we need to bring community together and just gather.

Yonatan Elkayam:
And so that, I think, was the precipice of it for me as a musician, for most of my life, I wasn't focused on wellness, but as a, I guess as a Virgo, wellness has always been like a theme for me. As you said, eating right, going to the gym, these basic things that kind of, we all do, more or less. And then having this time and being forced to stay home and being forced to reevaluate life gave me a deeper perspective of, like, what else is there? And then Jaime and I learned Reiki over Zoom at the beginning of the pandemic, which really changed everything for us. We were in conversation around the energy, and now the energy is part of the conversation of the body, part of the conversation of the mind, part of the conversation of eating well and having a movement practice. It all comes back to energy.

Jennifer Norman:
I love that. It's really fascinating how you talk about the pandemic and the benefits of it, I think a lot more on the backside of it, we can look back and say we appreciate it for what it is. It gave us pause. It gave us this moment to really think. While you're going through it, of course, it feels like the worst thing in the world, but it does allow us to reflect. And as they say, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. The human connection and the feeling of togetherness, that sense of community that all of a sudden was stripped from us. We recognize how vital and important it was to our holistic wellness.

Jennifer Norman:
And so, interestingly enough, I've had multiple people on the show that have been Reiki masters, and they always talk about Reiki as the gateway drug, which I find amusing. For me, it was yoga, but for others, it's usually Reiki. And then it's like this whole world opens that is just so mystical and magical. So, Jaime, why don't you tell us about your journey and how you also, I know that you both discovered Reiki around the same time, but you have a little bit of a different backstory.

Jaime Elkayam:
And it's actually so very interesting that Yonatan and I have found a way to do something that is so shared in resonance, because when we met, we were on very different paths in our careers. The first chapter of my career was spent in fitness, and I got into that through my own injury. When I was 17 years old, I herniated a disc in my low back and was, went from being a competitive athlete to almost nearly immobilized overnight, and it totally crushed me. And now being so far away from it, I see the blessing that it was very similar to the pandemic, actually. And I remember sitting with my doctor, he pulled up my MRIs, and he said, you know, your spine looks like a 65 year old's, and you're going to be in pain for the rest of your life. You'll need surgery in a year. Here's a prescription for Vicodin. Good luck.

Jennifer Norman:
All too common.

Jaime Elkayam:
It's such a common story. My story isn't special. And at that age, something in me clicked in. I think it was the first moment that I really connected deeply to my intuition, and I just knew that that wasn't going to be my story, and that wasn't the only way to address it. And so I started studying holistic nutrition and movement and how we can heal the body ourselves. And I ended up getting off of the painkillers using acupuncture and physical therapy and movement and nutrition to heal myself. I never needed the surgery. I don't struggle with back pain anymore.

Jennifer Norman:
That's amazing.

Jaime Elkayam:
And as I worked with bodies, as I worked with my own body, I learned how to get bodies out of pain. But what I saw is that those cycles of pain kept coming back. So for me, every few months, my back pain would come back seemingly out of nowhere. And eventually, I'd been working with my chiropractor long enough that one day I came in to get adjusted, and I was like, I just don't know what's happening. Why does this keep happening to me? And he said to me, have you ever considered that the root of this might be emotional? And I wept. I had not considered the connection between our emotions and our physical body and the ways that they hold pain. And that really opened the door for me to holistic wellness. And I started making the shift from fitness that just focuses on the physical body to fitness and wellness that focuses on the body as one aspect, but also what's happening in our mind, what's happening in our emotions. How is my energy? How are my boundaries in the world? What is my body trying to say to me when it's speaking in pain?

Jennifer Norman:
That is really profound. And I know according to the meridians and a lot of the different flows of energy, and I'm no expert in Reiki myself, but understanding where in the body certain emotions get stored, to me, is so fascinating. So I think that we should back up, because I know not everybody who's listening today has listened to my other podcasts that have had Reiki healers on. And so for that reason, I would love to just go over the very beginning the basics of Reiki 101, like, what is it, and how does it work?

Jaime Elkayam:
So let me start with what Reiki is. Reiki is a form of energy healing. And when I say energy healing, I mean it is a way that we can communicate with the more subtle energies that connect us and are available all around us. A Reiki practitioner is someone who connects to the energy that connects all of us and allows themselves to be a channel for healing energy. And Reiki is really beautiful. And then I think it's one of the more common forms of energy healing, and it's one that's really been codified for us. So we have a beautiful and very clear system within which to work, whereas a lot of other energetic modalities tend to feel a little more mystical and mysterious, has a really clear structure. And I think, to your point about it being the gateway drug, that might be why it's a really clear channel.

Jaime Elkayam:
If you think about energy being different, tuning into different radio stations. It's one that a lot of people tune into. It's one that's strong and it's powerful, and it's clear. And when a Reiki healer works, either on themself or on someone else, they can support the shift of any energy that's already ready to move in the body.

Jennifer Norman:
Interesting, interesting. And so, as far as how it works in terms of self healing, can you give us an example of perhaps an issue that somebody might come to or just a general concern with the body, and then perhaps how emotions are stored and what Reiki can possibly do to help alleviate or release those issues?

Yonatan Elkayam:
Yeah, certainly. So, in terms of self healing, Reiki is really apt to treating a lot of different things. As Jaime said, so many of our ailments are connected to our emotional, our energetic state. And so if we think of ourselves in layers, we have the physical body, which is the most dense. We can touch it, we can feel it. We know that it's there. Then outside of ourselves, we have our emotional body, right?

Yonatan Elkayam:
Now, this is not so dense. We can't touch it, but we know that it exists, right? When you're sad, your partner knows it before you say something to them or when you're happy and you walk into the room, everybody's like, oh, she's full of joy. Right? Just, we can feel that before somebody actually shares it or says it. And then one layer even further out is our energetic body, known as our auric field. And that is holding the energy that is within us is also outside of us. And so the things that we experience as physical ailments sometimes are physical manifestations of something that has happened emotionally or something that has happened energetically. When we tend to these things on an energetic or emotional plane, they're much easier to move, they're much easier to deal with.

Yonatan Elkayam:
If they are ignored, they can manifest as physical ailment, and then it's a bit more challenging, but still workable. And so somebody who is doing Reiki on themselves can heal gut digestion, can heal certain pains, can address emotional, like feeling kind of depressed. And I don't know why. These things are energies that get stuck. And the problem is, more than feelings of sadness or loneliness or whatever it may be, it's that when those frequencies, they get lodged in us and they get stuck there, and there's no movement, what we do in our practice is we get things moving, right? Your sadness is not a problem. Your sadness is part of something that makes you very powerful. The problem is when that sadness gets stuck, then manifests as physical ailment. Everything is really about movement and flow. And once you get the energy to flow, things find equilibrium.

Jennifer Norman:
And I think that's a very good point, because the goal is to not ever not feel sad or angry or upset or frustrated. It's not to prevent or stilt that. It's to let it flow through you. It's like, I recognize I'm feeling this now, okay. I'm going to be able to release it rather than it getting stored in the body and then coming back up again and then, to your point, causing those physical issues.

Yonatan Elkayam:
And also, it's really about deepening our relationship to those emotions. Right. Anger is a problem when it sneaks up on us out of nowhere, and then we do something destructive. But if we're in touch with our anger, start the day and go, ooh, I feel like my anger is pretty activated today. I better move myself in this world knowing that my anger is activated. It's the relationship that we have with these things. And as we deepen the relationship, so often we feel like the things, the parts of ourselves that we don't like so much. We're trying to push it away.

Yonatan Elkayam:
We're trying to get rid of it and get it out of ourselves. But the truth is, we will never rid ourselves of our anger. We'll never rid ourselves of our sadness, nor should we. What we teach is we really teach our clients how to come into a relationship with those emotions, bring them closer into your heart. You can hold your anger here. If you're holding your anger here, you get to keep your eye on it. You get to stay close to it.

Yonatan Elkayam:
You get to say, hey, you need a hug, you need something? I got you. But if it's over here behind you and pushed away, it'll bite you in the ass someday.

Jennifer Norman:
Wow! And I find it also interesting because your background is as a musician. And a lot of people get into music because it's a form of expression. It's art, it's creative. It's almost like this casual hobby or pastime that may turn into a profession. But I think that it is only fairly recently in our culture where we started talking about music as really healing. As sound as healing. It's been around forever, I think, in other cultures. But it's so fascinating to see now that sound therapy, sound baths, understanding binaural beats, understanding different patterns that go into their brain and create certain kinds of waves to create certain kinds of, I don't know if it's a feeling or emotion, however you'd want to call it, perhaps a mental state, in order to also be therapeutic. Can you talk about your work in sound healing?

Yonatan Elkayam:
Certainly. So one of the things I think is the big jump from creating music that is just for pleasure and joy, just writing songs, to using music and sound for healing is really about intention. So understanding that coming into something and saying, my intention for creating this is to create healing already puts it in a different stratosphere. And then as far as sound healing is concerned, everything is based on vibration and resonance. We are going to see, as time goes on in the future, we're going to see medicine moving in more of a sound healing direction. We're already starting to see that scientists are discovering that cancers or certain ailments in the body are just a frequency. And understanding how to reach that resonance of that frequency will allow sound to penetrate just that, those cells, those cancer cells, and destroy them.

Jennifer Norman:
Just like light therapy or laser or things like that. Sound is another way of doing it.

Yonatan Elkayam:
And actually, for thousands of years, as you mentioned, sound and music was 100% healing. And only in modern times did we lose that understanding of this. For myself, making that transition again, the pandemic was that time for me to ask my questions of what did I want to contribute into the world. And as a musician, there were many performances that I put on that inspired another artist or inspired somebody to take chance and put themselves out there and put their voice out there. And that was changing the world a little bit. And now, like bringing my intention into healing, I see how the music and the sound is really changing people's lives.

Jennifer Norman:
So you are the dynamic duo now who have come together to bring your healing arts to help benefit others. And you founded Word of Mouth. Can you tell us a little bit about what Word of Mouth is?

Jaime Elkayam:
Yeah, certainly. So Word of Mouth is, at its core, a calling back to some of our most simple and accessible tools for healing. It is summoning us back to person to person connection. It is calling us back to this ability to self heal and to be with ourselves fully as the center point to creating anything that we wish in the world. And our signature work, the work that is the most potent, is our coaching work. And with that, we bring together movement that is nourishing to the body. Coaching and energy healing. So we're not just doing one, we're bringing all three of these aspects of ourselves together in one space.

Jaime Elkayam:
And our deepest desire is to nourish the people that are making magic in this world, we've seen so many people who are creating beautiful things and giving their magic because they are magical. You are magical. And they reach this point where they've gotten to the bottom of their cup and they start reaching burnout. They start reaching this feeling of losing that spark for the thing that they love the most. And really, our deepest purpose is to create a space where people like that can pour into themselves, can get themselves to be so full that they're the top glass of the champagne tower and continue giving their gifts. Because now more than ever, it's so deeply needed that each of us finds whatever our authentic song and resonance is in the world and gives it.

Jennifer Norman:
I love that. And how do you think that what you offer is unique from maybe what other places are that provide alternative medicine or energy healing?

Jaime Elkayam:
That's a great question. Thank you for asking. I've engaged in a lot of healing work myself. I've explored all the wild things. There's more to explore, I'm sure, but I've really dipped my toes into a lot of things. And often what I see is that there's a mindset that one thing is the be all, end all of it. And so you're going somewhere and you're just engaging in cognitive therapy, or you're just engaging in movement, or you're engaging in meditation, and you're going to all of these different places to tend to and care for all of these different parts of yourself. And we haven't experienced a lot of spaces that really, truly nurture and honor the importance and the value of all three as equally important as equal players in the game.

Jaime Elkayam:
And that really, I think, is the thing that makes this space so unique. We honor and acknowledge all three. We really do our best to amplify and highlight the body and the person that's in front of us. Rather than saying we have the one way for every single person to engage in healing, we look at the person and we talk with the person. We get to know you, and from there, we create something that is truly healing for you in whatever moment you're in.

Jennifer Norman:
Because your vibration is your vibration. It's not like the same kind of therapy or the same healing modality is going to work for you that might have worked for somebody else, which is why it's a little bit dangerous to play the influencer game. I think that there's a lot of influencers out there that are like, you know what? I tried this supplement, and this is what it did for my body, whereas my body, I'm completely different from this other person. If I were to try it, it could be completely wrong. And so there is, yeah, a lot, lot of trial and error. But really, it's almost like it's important to find that way back to knowing thyself. And I love that about energy healing, is that it recognizes the preciousness of the individual. And what you're offering is like, you take the time to really sit with that person and to understand what they're going through and feeling that energy from a very personal and soulful level that you might not get if you're just scrolling TikTok or if you're just looking at PubMed.

Jennifer Norman:
I will say this particular podcast is not here to provide medical advice or treat or cure any disease. That's not what this podcast is. It is for information, and it is for entertainment, and it is for you to gather more knowledge points and data points to see what's right for you. But I do encourage you to take a look at what Jaime and Yonatan are offering, because to many people who have been very skeptical in the past about energy work, Reiki healing, somatic healing, those sorts of things, it's interesting how more and more evidence is coming out as to its benefits, and I think it's because people are being more receptive. If you're skeptical about something, then feel what that energy feels like. It's a constriction. It's a doubting or a fear in your body that may be telling you something unto itself. And so I would love for you guys, Jaime and Yanatan, if one of you wants to answer this, because I have a feeling that there are going to be some skeptics that are listening today.

Jennifer Norman:
What kind of compelling evidence could you provide? Maybe it's a client story about a success that you've personally had, that you've seen really take somebody from a place of either desperation or a place where they just were not feeling right in their bodies to perhaps feeling a bit more free.

Jaime Elkayam:
Yeah. So I can give a couple of really beautiful examples, and I'll keep them brief, but I think each is powerful in its own way. We've actually started to study Reiki and its effect on people. And what we've seen is that someone who is receiving Reiki energy can see a dip in their blood pressure, in their resting heart rate, in the states of stress in their body, and improvement in sleep. So there are very real benefits to this. And I always like to say that science is just constantly trying to prove that magic is real, and they're such beautiful partners to their very real benefits. Most recently, I took someone through a Reiki training, and she uses a WHOOP band to track her recovery. And normally, her recovery is that, like, 60%.

Jaime Elkayam:
That's kind of where it maxes out. The day she did her Reiki training with me, her recovery was at 97%. And I think those are two really practical examples that the body really does experience this as something that reduces stress. And then in a more real life way, something that I specialize in is one that we both specialize in, is working with people who are experiencing chronic pain. For some people, the answer is very physical, and physical therapy or surgery or medication is the answer. Western medicine is incredible, and for some folks, that is not the pathway. And this person came to me experiencing some very severe, lifelong chronic pain. And over the course of this last year, has found themselves in a place where they actually feel free and joyful and good being in their body.

Jaime Elkayam:
And their days and moments without pain are more consistent than their days and moments with pain. And to me, that's a really huge win. And some of what we've done has been movement, but so much more has been energy, work, and working with the emotional body, really learning to hear what the body has been holding and hold it with love and reverence and let it go.

Jennifer Norman:
That's so beautiful. So let us help people take a clear picture of what it would be like to work with. You say they were like, okay, I'm really interested in finding out what this coaching is all about, because everything that I've tried so far has been just not really getting to the core of me feeling like I can get unstuck and feel really good about my body or within my body and feel the freedom that I want to, to live my life forward. So they come in, and what can they expect?

Yonatan Elkayam:
Well, what a session looks like with us is first and foremost, as Jaime already said, we talk to the person. We really understand who the person in front of us is and what their needs are. Within the framework of our work, there is wiggle room. There's ways to really customize this work to people and their needs. Each session begins with movement, either functional movement or pilates, a combination of the two. Now, this is more to get the blood flowing, to get the body to feel open, to feel connected, so that in the next section, when we sit down and do the cognitive coaching, the talk, coaching, people are just more open. It's easier to go deep. We've noticed that just 30 minutes of movement gets people to open up so much.

Yonatan Elkayam:
You open their hips and their shoulders up, and they just start talking, at which point we do about 30 minutes of talk coaching, and then we use energy work to get into the places where words just can't go. There's something in the cracks where Reiki and energy goes into that. People come out of that and they're like, oh, I thought this session was about this. And actually, now I see it's about this. So much of what we do is really acting as guides. We're the navigator. While you're driving the bus, you get to still drive, but we just help you find a shorter path.

Jennifer Norman:
I love that. And what I often will say is that people will very often look externally for healing. They'll be like, okay, I'm going to go to Jaime and Yonatan because they're healers, and I'm going to go to them because I just cannot figure myself out, and I need them to heal me. And that's not really the case. You are your own healer. But sometimes it energetically is very valuable to have somebody who can help to guide and uncover those places, excavate those places that you cannot necessarily see about yourself, that are hard for you to find or resolve because you've been doing it alone, or you even pushing it into the crevices of your hips or into your heart or into your spleen, those things are not easy to do alone. And so when you're able to have a guide that is very intuitive and is very well practiced and well learned about how to migrate and, shall I say, enmesh the mind, the body, and the soul to work as a system in unison so that they're not fighting against each other, because a lot of that is what this energy has been that gets pent up and stuck in you. It's like different forces that are fighting against each other and creating blockages and so learning to release and let go and give that energy to somebody else to just really say, okay, you've served your purpose.

Jennifer Norman:
I've felt all the feels, and now I'm ready to let you go. Then you can feel a bit freer. You may not have those pains that you've felt before. You may not have those chronic issues that have been plaguing you for years. For so many people, it is a new way of approaching your body and an understanding of yourself and what you are. You are not just your physical being. You are so much more than that. And I think only now are we starting to realize what a human really is in its entirety.

Jennifer Norman:
I mean, we are not just this flesh and bone. We're not just this mass here. There is so much more to us that we don't even realize. Coming up with that self awareness to recognize your emotions, have somebody there to help and guide you where you're feeling stuck or where you may not know what's going on, and can help to shine a little bit of clarity on that. And in the very least, you're getting great movement, you're getting great community, you're getting surrounded by love. And what more powerful force is there in the world than for people who really care about you and are willing to support and provide you the time and the space to just. I think that that is truly, truly beautiful unto itself.

Jennifer Norman:
So, Jaime and Yonatan, I'd love for you to tell us a little bit more about the space that you have created. Because as I understand it, you started out doing online during the pandemic, and now you've actually moved into a physical space. How exciting.

Jaime Elkayam:
Thank you. Yeah. Our physical space is a true, I think, manifestation of the universe's request in many ways. When we started our business, we had intended for it to be completely online, and it began that way. And around the same time, both of us just had this very strong heart call that it was time to bring people together, and it was time to create a space where people could gather. And that if we were really, truly going to be in integrity with this conversation around health and well being, community health and giving people the opportunity to be vulnerable, not just with us, but with one another and gather with one another was a key piece of that. So we have this space in West Hollywood.

Jaime Elkayam:
We do still take virtual clients, and we also have the option for people to come here, to move with us in our space, to receive Reiki in our space and coaching. And once or twice a month, we host a gathering called Reiki and Chill, where people come and they receive sound healing. We have a little tea ceremony. We run energy on the group. It blows my mind how vulnerable people get in that space, how connected the people that have come into our space have become. And we're about to celebrate the one year anniversary of the physical space. And in that year, we've really watched this community blossom and become such a deep and rich part of each other's wellbeing, which feels really good.

Jennifer Norman:
Oh, my gosh, that sounds incredible. So, for those of you who are in the LA - Orange County area, this is West Hollywood. It is really a wonderful place to be. In general, West Hollywood has such vibrant energy to begin with. But this healing space that they have created is a wonderful opportunity to come live in person for any of their sessions or live coaching, some live programs. Otherwise, we'll make sure that you have all of the information for Jaime and Yonatan if you want to do any virtual sessions. For those of you who aren't local to the LA area. Because Reiki magically works over Zoom, believe it or not, it does. It actually is powerful, even remotely. So it's something that you should definitely consider if you are not in the LA area.

Yonatan Elkayam:
I came into learning Reiki very skeptical. We learned Reiki, as I said, during the pandemic over Zoom, and I thought that even if Reiki was real, it wasn't going to work over Zoom. I was a total skeptic. I walked into it just not believing. And the beauty is about Reiki is that actually, you don't have to be a believer to have it, have it work. The other thing is that not only does it work just as well over Zoom, but there's actual benefits to doing it over Zoom, which is that you are in your own home, you're in your own space. When the session is over, you get to just close the laptop and just be in your space, in your bedroom, on your couch, whatever it is. There's no getting in the car and driving and dealing with anybody else's energy.

Jennifer Norman:
That's a good point.

Yonatan Elkayam:
Yeah. So we actually often recommend for people to do these sessions over Zoom because of that one little caveat there.

Jennifer Norman:
That's very interesting. Yeah. We're living in a loneliness epidemic right now. There is a crisis of people just not being okay. And certainly I think that there is an amount of that that came from the pandemic, but this was around before that. I think that the pandemic may have exacerbated it, and people just don't know how to feel okay. I think social media also has a bit of an impact on people's loneliness, because they're seeing all of this happening on their screen, and then they come back to their lives, and they're comparing. They're feeling like, gosh, I'm inadequate, and I can't even live up to this, or I can't.

Jennifer Norman:
This is how culture is supposed to be, and I'm just not that way. And then they start judging themselves and questioning, and all of that gets harbored and infiltrated into their emotions and into their bodies. And so it's cyclical. It's compounding. It's something that I wish for on my podcast and through other avenues to really help people understand that there is a different way, that there are really beneficial people out there that are looking to be compassionate and to care without judgment and to offer their services to you so that we can all heal and grow. Because when we are okay with ourselves, that has a ripple effect and an impact on everybody around you. All your relationships can improve, your work can thrive like everything around you can little by little, progressively be more positive and light filled.

Yonatan Elkayam:
Jaime and I are healers because we've been on a journey of healing ourselves and our medicine is in reminding everybody else of their powers of healing themselves.

Jennifer Norman:
So that is beautiful. And I also want to let you all know that Jaime and Yonatan are offering a special discount just for The Human Beauty Movement Podcast listeners. You can get $222 off a coaching package or 15% off a reiki energy healing session. All you need to do is email Jaime directly at jamie@wordofmouth.love. Mention The Human Beauty Movement to activate the special offer. Be sure to also check out the Word of Mouth website at wordofmouth.love.Thank you so much Jaime and Yonatan for being my esteemed guest today. It was so wonderful to learn about all of your work and thank you so much for everything that you are doing in the community.

Jaime Elkayam:
Thank you Jennifer.

Jennifer Norman:
Thank you for listening to The Human Beauty Movement Podcast. Be sure to follow, rate and review us wherever you stream podcasts. The Human Beauty Movement is a community-based platform that cultivates the beauty of humankind. Check out our workshops, find us on social media and share our inspiration with all the beautiful humans in your life. Learn more at thehumanbeautymovement.com. Thank you so much for being a beautiful human.