Exploring PEMF Therapy with Mark Fox

Mark Fox, the founder and CEO of Resona Health, joins the show to discuss the transformative potential of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy for pain management and healing. He shares the science behind a pocket-sized device called Vibe, which harnesses specific electromagnetic frequencies to address ailments like PTSD, anxiety, and more. Mark underscores the importance of safety, historical context, and the promising future of integrating energy therapies into our daily lives, offering listeners a glimpse into cutting-edge, non-invasive health solutions.
Visit https://resona.health/hbm to receive $150 off the VIBE device (a $399 value)
This podcast episode is sponsored by*:
Humanist Beauty - Beauty for your skin & soul, Humanist Beauty is clean, conscious, and cruelty-free. Learn more here → https://humanistbeauty.com
Amia - Amia is the first migraine-friendly food brand. Functional, better for you food finally meets the migraine market. 39 Million Americans suffer from migraines, many of which are caused by dietary triggers. Our food is free of common migraine triggers. Learn more here → https://amia.sjv.io/thehbm
Seed Health - Seed Health is a microbial sciences company pioneering applications of microbes to improve human and planetary health. Learn more here → https://seedhealthinc.pxf.io/thehbm
Public Goods - Public Goods makes healthy, eco-friendly personal care, home goods, and pantry staples in clean, modern packaging. Learn more here → https://imp.i358707.net/thehbm
*The Human Beauty Movement may earn commissions from your support
Mark's Links:
- Website: https://resona.health/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@resonahealth
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Jennifer Norman' s Links:
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