Meet Matthew Mackey, otherwise known as Carbie The Dragtivist! Matthew is running for office as a candidate for New York State Assembly District 101. If Matthew is elected, xe would be the first Non-Binary State Legislator in New York State, and the second in the country. From a young age, Matthew has been an advocate for people. From advocating for accessibility resources for xis two deaf parents to helping stop the deportation of a same-sex bi-national couple, Matthew knows how the power of collective action can create real change for people.
Trigger Warning: This episode includes an extremely personal coming-out story, which includes verbal rejection and thoughts of suicide. If you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and need help of any kind, remember you are not alone. Contact the Trevor Project now to speak to a trained counselor and find a world of beautiful humans who care:
Matthew's Links:
The Human Beauty Movement's Links:
Jennifer Norman's Links:
Thank you for being a Beautiful Human.